Create an Unforgettable Impression on the Road & Online

At, we’ll help you get the brand you need to excite your territories and make a lasting impression every time you drive by someone new or they find you online.
Get your brand, website, and trailer/truck design all done at once:



We know how to help can cleaning entrepreneurs at every stage. We’ll develop a brand you and your current and future clients will love on a budget friendly even to day-1 startups.


This is a true brand kit. Whether you need new equipment wraps print media or digital, you’ll be able to hand your brand kit over and get exactly what you want on-brand every time.


What if a client with dirty bins saw your logo just once and it was so memorable that they were able to find you online without ever writing your company’s name down? Let’s make it happen!

How About Some Inspiration?

I didn’t understand how powerful great branding is until I had it.
It’s a multiplier on the effectiveness of everything you do on the revenue-generation side: wraps, signage, hangers, social media, websites, emails, parades, and the list goes on.
Steve and I wanted to take the expertise we developed creating what would eventually become Bin Blasters and help fellow can cleaning entrepreneurs get branding right from the start, so they’re more successful on everything else they do.
That’s this package!

Casey Evertsen

CEO – Garbage Can Cleaning & Bin Blasters | Spanish Fork, Utah

Shall We Get You Dressed for Success?

STEP #1: Free Consultation

What’s Unique About You?

We start by getting to know what you’re all about. How do you want your clients to feel when they see your beautiful can cleaning rig roll up?

We’ll talk through your preferences and get some general direction about other brands you admire and any requirements you want us to be sure to include.

STEP #2: Draft Brand Kit

Ready to See What We Came Up With?

With deposit in hand, we’ll get to work creating a brand that will delight you, your staff, and most importantly, your customers.

We present you with many of the critical elements in a format where you can give feedback to help us finalize your kit.

STEP #3: Your Brand Kit

Your Style Guide + Individual Art + Website + Trailer/Truck Design

With your feedback noted, we finalize your brand kit and deliver you:

  1. A style guide (how to use each piece and how they fit together).
  2. All the individual art pieces (files in vector format) so any printer or digital developer can resize them as needed without losing clarity.
  3. Your website.
  4. Your trailer/truck design.

Sound like what you need to get your sales funnels moving? Let’s chat…

What’s In the Kit?

Logo in Wide & Square Formats

Color Palette

Typogra-phy Guide

Slogan/ OneLiner

Back-ground Art

Template: Bin Hanger

Template: Sales Slick

Trailer Design


Style Guide: How to Use It All

Shall We Proceed?

Yes, at the end of the day, you may make a purchase from us
so this is technically a sales call, but we might be more
excited than you are.
Can cleaning has afforded our team here at the lifestyle and compensation we
always wanted.
We’ve learned a lot about branding and would love to share our findings with you so you get started on the right foot and have all the benefits: amazing memorability, instant recognition, shortened sales cycle, hug credibility, & more.
So consider this a free consultation as well…and bring your

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